Malverne Police Headquarters

The project consists of the complete gut renovation of an existing municipal building with the addition of an extension consisting of a sally port and holding jail cells. The site work consists of new parking lots along with the associated drainage facilities, landscaping, and grading of existing unimproved area to incorporate public parking. The demolition in the existing facility includes asbestos abatement and Haz-Mat remediation of the previous occupant usage (medical) as well as removal of all walls, ceilings, structural wood construction and finishes. Renovation/restoration efforts consist of significant structural steel and roof reconstruction of the existing building. The new construction consists of cast-in-place concrete foundations, masonry, and structural steel for the addition to the building. All areas are receiving new finishes, i.e. epoxy paints, ceramic tiles, drywall construction, acoustic ceilings, glass & glazing, etc. The addition consists of jail cells and gun holding areas and interrogation rooms. This is a multi-prime project so careful coordination between the trades is critical to ensure the proper fit.