town of Babylon Town Hall Annex

This project is repurposing an old elementary school into a community and town administrative facility. The project consists of the abatement of the lead based paint and asbestos in and around the 60 year old boilers. The complete gutting of the building of finishes. Structural modifications to various areas of the building as well as cutting through new openings in exterior walls. The structural framing to create a new floor level over the old boiler room equal to the first floor. New windows throughout all exterior walls as well as new overhead doors to allow access to new areas for equipment maintenance. The existing gymnasium is stripped down to the existing masonry walls and with the walls exposed allow for the structural repairs of cracks. The other side of the corridor is repurposing space to allow for the new housing of village archives and records. All spaces are being refinished with wood paneling, paint, floors, ceilings. The roof is being refurbished and structural modifications made to support the new HVAC equipment. This is a multi-prime project so careful coordination between the trades is critical to ensure the proper fit.